Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Retro Eye Candy

I came across this fashion spread and article months ago from a magazine, I forget the name ( sue me!) with Justin Timberlake in a tux on the cover, but I thought it was fitting to post because it coincides with my current obsession with the 70's. 

The models are Dhani Harrison, The Beatle's George Harrison's son (he's a spitting image of his Dad), and Isabelli Fontana. These pictures are exquisite from the clothing, to the location,  facial expressions, chemistry...and I could go on.
 My eyes are in heaven.

Time to go to the thrift.

1 comment:

bienvenue monsieur. said...

The magazine was the Fashion Rocks supplement that came with the July issues of many of Conde Nast's fashion publications.